LM-100 Liquid Level Meter
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LM-100 Liquid Level Meter


The LM-100 is available in resolutions from 0.1 mm to 1 mm. Other resolutions, and probe lengths are available per request. The sensors can be flexible or rigid, at a minimum of 64 points per sensor.








The LM-100 is a high performance Liquid Level meter for measuring waves in any conductive, non-corrosive liquid.It is based on an innovative digital measurement technique,which does not require any calibrations prior to measurement-just plug and play.It's high resolution (from 0.1mm resolution) and high sampling rate (up to 33 Khz per sensor) makes it a perfect tool for research and industry. It's sensor is covered with a 24 Karat Gold, thus making it suitable for long-time continuous measurement, even in Salted water.
The LM-100 implements a Digital Signal Processing technique to remove any noise caused by bubbles in the liquid or liquid drops in the Air. It can also measure Curl waves, and produce 3 data points for each measurement cycle. Probe's resolution can be from chosen 32 to 1024 points.

The LM-100 is interfaced to any PC compatible computer with a EPP Parallel port (Printer port). Up to 8 devices can be chained on the same parallel port, and up to 3 ports may be used per PC (LPT1, LPT2 & LPT3).


1 Reading resolution of 0.1 mm to 1 mm.
1 Sensors available from 64 to 1024 F.S. points.
1 Simultaneous sampling of all sensors.
1 Fully digital technique - easy to use.
1 No need for calibrations.
1 Digital filter removes bubbles and drops noise.
1 Can measure curl Waves.
1 Sensor thickness: from 0.3 mm at measurement point.
1 Up to 8 Sensors per 1 Parallel port. (24 per PC).
1 Sampling time:32-500  Sec.(All sensors together).
1 Any sampling rate up to 33Khz.
1 Built-in buffer with up to 2048 measurements.
1 Lowest price - comprable to any other technique.

System Configuration

PC LM-100 Probe

Up To 8 Probes
per port, up to
24 probes per PC


Interface box




A.A. Lab-Systems
Head Office: 33 Hayetzira St., Ramat-Gan 52521, ISRAEL.Tel: 972-3-5756327, Fax: 972-3-5756326
USA office: 9 Blossom drive, Kennett Square, PA19348.  Tel: (302)478-2881 Fax: (610)444-5544

© Copyright 2006, A.A.Lab Systems Ltd.
